You can save a significant amount of money by buying a used car. The challenge and fear of buying used cars has to do with not being sure you know what your buying. To help minimize or eliminate these fears take some time to learn what to look for before you go out and start looking at cars. Watching the video tips below are a good start. Once you know what make model and year of car you are interested in start your local search on,, local newspapers and see if the prices are within your budget or if you need to go do some more research on years and models that meet your budget.
When you get down to a couple of cars that meet all of your requirements get a VIN CHECK – Repair History Check Report for them to see if they have any title, repair or damage issues that were not disclosed by the seller.
By watching the videos below it can help you become aware of what to look for and become a little less nervous about buying a used car and saving from 20% to 50% of a new car.
Quick Used Car Buying Tips from Scotty Kilmer
(How To Quickly Check A Used Car For Purchase)